RCSI i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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123, Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 402 2100
internet side: www.rcsi.ie
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Latitude: 53.338985, Longitude: -6.261986

kommentar 5

  • en

    Oksana Vinkarklina


    Old building and modern one overlooking each other side by side on York Street. Old building full Of history,charm and trophies.

  • en

    William Feehan


    A fine old building well worth a look at

  • haris jean

    haris jean


    2015- 2017. Surgery BST batch cpsp/hse. Had great time And learning.

  • en

    Hajri Alhajri


    Nice college! New building is opening in few weeks 💃👏

  • en

    Kane Medal


    1) This institution offers a Kane Medal in Neurobiology to students with first honours. The winner is designated by external examiners. In 2014 RCSI lost it's credibility by first emailing the winner (there was only one winner), then claiming there was an ex aequo and finally deciding to give the medal to a runner-up refusing to even mention the name of the real winner in any occasion. 2) They also don't appreciate attendance of students and it is not considered a criterion of professionalism nor is it acknowledged by them in any way shape or form. 3) Judith Gilroy, in SARA office, is an immature worker who lacks the ability to communicate important information properly. She lacks empathy and suffers from an inferiority complex which manifests itself as false confidence when dealing with students. The consequences of her blame shifting and insensitive attitude lead to the suffering of many medical students at this institution. Important to note here that, when confronted and argued with using logic and facts, she either seeks a superior or simply uses blame shifting to feel better about herself. All in all, she is the black sheep over there where no one actually helped her when she was being humiliated.💦💦☺

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