Rearden's i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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26, Washington St, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 427 1969
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Latitude: 51.89751, Longitude: -8.47805

kommentar 5

  • Sascha Giese

    Sascha Giese


    Popular pub with 3 floors, nice for dancing on top. Drinks reasonable priced. Some of the stuff is showing debatable behavior. OK venue but nothing special.

  • en

    Bibi Sonko


    Not too bad service is quick pizza are tasty but they told me they do not accept corporate badge after 6pm which was a lie

  • David Hackett

    David Hackett


    Great place, My first time in here, great food, friendly staff, brilliant live music. Well worth a visit.

  • en

    Courtney Murphy


    My boyfriend and I stayed in Cork for 8 days this past December and Rearden's quickly became one of my favorite places to dine. The pizzas are fantastic and not too much for one person to enjoy because they are just that good! The pepperoni is nothing like what we have in the states and that truly set it apart. The veggie pizza was also my favorite! Must-try if you want good food at a decent price.

  • Lisa Hayden

    Lisa Hayden


    Good place to go during the day for cheap drinks. Nice pizza, pies, nachos, etc on offer. Live music most nights and the best place to go for a dance with a group of friends. Good for watching sports and at the end of the night you can go upstairs to Havana's, Secret Garden and Hidden attic, the main clubs in Cork. Everyone in Cork has "ended up in Reardens" at some/ every night of their life

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