Reform Physiotherapy and Pilates i Malahide

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IrlandReform Physiotherapy and Pilates



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3, Church Road, K36 AK25, Malahide, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 358 2911
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Latitude: 53.450013, Longitude: -6.153835

kommentar 5

  • Sofia



    fantastic place! lovely people. hola there

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    Rory Dinnigan


    Been looking for a knowledgeable and welcoming physiotherapy in Malahide for a while now and was recently recommended Reform Physiotherapy. I've had issues with my hips for several years and the team here have made excellent progress in a short period of time. The setup is very professional and friendly. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a new physio in the Dublin area! Cheers

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    John Hanley


    Went to Reform Physiotherapy for recurring back pain. The physio there was able to help me out a great deal, gave me super advice and provided exercises that I could do at home. Very professional, would highly recommend.

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    Claire Buckley


    Beautiful studio, very attentive staff. The physiotherapist really took the time to personalise a regime that suited my needs. Couldn't fault it at all.

  • Margaret Hanley

    Margaret Hanley


    I had neck and shoulder pains and stiffness, and was recommended to go to Reform Physiotherapy and a friend. After my initial assessment with Jenny, I attended Pilates classes on a 1:3 basis. The exercises are geared towards my particular difficulty. The improvement is huge, and the pains and aches have completely disappeared. The clinic is very professional, with very high standards in all areas. I would highly recommend this clinic.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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