River Valley Holiday Park i Redcross

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IrlandRiver Valley Holiday Park


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Ballygillaroe, Redcross, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 404 41647
internet side: www.rivervalleypark.com
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Latitude: 52.8892583, Longitude: -6.1444748

kommentar 5

  • Emma deering

    Emma deering


    Lots of kids activities which have to be paid for. I find it restrictive with our dog as the beach is a drive away. I'm not keen on here but that is just my opinion. I just feel that something is missing!

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    Colin Johnston


    Very high standard, Excellent amenities, fantastic restaurant and very friendly staff.

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    john millar


    Spent a few days there this July. Took my caravan down from Belfast. Clean friendly and welcoming. Also has an adult only part of the caravan park. Just beside its own micro Brewery selling craft beers.. Lovely indeed. A cute little village also with shops and eatery's to choose from.

  • Gillian Reynolds

    Gillian Reynolds


    Hi,I stayed at River Valley with my 8 year old daughter and her 8 year old friend.We were staying in a mobile home and on the last night we booked the Tree House as a special treat.The mobile home was very poorly equipped in the kitchen- and there was no grill. The tree house had absolutely nothing in it- not even a bin! No equipment whatsoever. The park boasts great facilities- however- outside of the playground everything costs you money- you can't even use the tennis court without paying- I certainly don't mind paying for a children's club- but everything else is buying tokens and more tokens and more tokens.

  • Mandy Burgess

    Mandy Burgess


    lovely campsite love the fact that there is am adult only section. Unfortunately it should have be child free, however during the three weeks of my stay, several adults did sneaked in there children or grandchildren and some of the golden campers you would have thought because of there age that they would have behaved a bit better at bedtime instead of partying they should have turned down there music and voices. Anyway the site is dog friendly and I was able to walk my dogs down the lovely lanes unfortunately other dog owners must have forgotten that they had to pick up there dogs poo 💩 this ruins it for other sensible dog owners. If your taking a dog with you on holiday please pick up your dogs poo 💩 🐶 Security is good when you can find them they tend to stay around the mix area of the campsite rather than the adult section. Clean toilet 🚽 and shower 🚿 facilities the restaurant is always packed food is excellent Would advise to book for evening meals.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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