RocDoc i Ashbourne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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6, Ashbourne Retail Park, Ballybin Rd, Ashbourne Industrial Estate, Ashbourne, Co. Meath, A84 DE42, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 835 1444
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.522622, Longitude: -6.415235

kommentar 5

  • M.B.M



    super service

  • en

    Vicky Bolster


    I'm not giving them 1 star based on one visit but two. The lady who works there with the short brown hair is rude and unhelpful. I have a friend who was having liver failure and she started shouting not to bring him inside as the doctor would not see him. Not sure if she a receptionist or security guard but she needs a lesson in manners.

  • en

    Darren C


    Great service as always, had a bad ear infection but i was looked after extremely well. Could not recommend enough!!

  • Louise Barry

    Louise Barry


    Awful & over priced. I damaged a vertebrae in my back Sunday just gone & went to Roc Doc in the hope they might be able to manipulate it back so I could at least sit without being in agony. I was told it would cost 85 euro which I didn't mind considering the pain I was in. When I went in the doctor asked me to touch my toes (I'm a yoga teacher) I was almost able to touch my toes but not as I normally would by any means. She then asked me to turn left to right, ran her fingers down my spine and said to me you pulled a muscle. Which I knew was not the case because of the type of pain. She offered me pain meds and said she couldn't do anything else for me (the pain meds made no difference at all). For 85euro, I was in there for less there 3 minutes. I went to the physio the next day who immediately manipulated it back in for me without any hesitation and I had instant relief. I most definitely will not be using this service again or recommending it.

  • pl

    Vikitomek2010 Sobol


    Beznadziejny serwis ,lekarze mieli praktyke chyba w kraju 3 swiata , obsluga niemiła i opryskliwa a strwierdzenie dolegliwości graniczy z cudem , nie polecam !!!

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