Rochestown Park Hotel i Douglas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRochestown Park Hotel


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Rochestown Road, Douglas, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 489 0800
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Latitude: 51.8794219, Longitude: -8.4247281

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sheenagh Morley


    Always a great welcome from Tom and his team at this fantastic Hotel. Being a photographer, I'm here regularly and also on a personal level where we have celebrated many family occasions. The staff are always friendly, helpful and extremely professional.

  • en

    Iuri Lasagni


    Nice hotel. Clean and very comfortable rooms. Professional and kind personel. Wonderful breakfast! Be sure you are finding anything you would fancy to eat!

  • Emily Lynen

    Emily Lynen


    I was here with a group of 36 students. The staff was amazing! The waitresses and waiters were very considerate and super sensitive of allergies. When I left a note about stains in the room, a manager came by to make sure everything was okay and what we thought was a like stain was a bleach stain :/

  • en

    Noreen Hedderman


    Excellent.. Was at my cousins wedding there on Friday 26th March '18. Service was excellent. Staff friendly and do efficient. The wedding room was beautiful . The food was fantastic . Thanks for a great day

  • en

    Julie Coughlan


    I stayed in the hotel for a college ball. I understand that students can be a handful but we were nothing but respectful of the hotel and staff and weren't treated well at all. I paid an awful lot to be there and wasn't treated like a guest at all. I requested a room change as I was unhappy with the room I was given and was told that they would try and accommodate me that they just had to wait for people to check in, I understood that reception was busy and they said they'd call me back when they knew but they didn't even have the courtesy to call me back. I also called reception requesting some toiletries and was told that they were all out! It was very clear that they had no intention of even trying to make it a positive experience and acted as if we weren't paying customers but just students. On a positive note however the bar staff and accommodation staff were genuinely lovely and quite helpful.

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