Roxboro Shopping Centre i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRoxboro Shopping Centre



🕗 åbningstider

5, Clansfort Terrace, V94 D6NK, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.6497385, Longitude: -8.6166632

kommentar 5

  • Lisa Vaughan

    Lisa Vaughan


    Only tesco and groceries shop there are good. Didnt like staff in chemist felt they didn't care.

  • Laura Keehan O'Brien

    Laura Keehan O'Brien


    A good selection of shops here.. bank, pharmacy, Chinese takeout and Tesco ect. The staff in Tesco are really friendly.

  • en

    Karen Campher


    Big Tesco here, a chemist, a fruit and veg shop and Mr price. Parking is a nightmare, people just seem to abandon their cars where ever they like. The centre in general is very run down could do with a injection of cash.

  • Frank la Mol

    Frank la Mol


    Only Tesco and a Post Office survive in this shopping centre, although outside there is the library, great fruit n veg shop and terrific vape shop

  • en

    Kate Lane


    Great variety of shops. Tesco,bank,chemist,dry cleaners,libary,fruit and veg shop,charity shop and e-cig shop.

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