Ruposhe Indian Restaurant i Dublin

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IrlandRuposhe Indian Restaurant



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1whitworth Road Drumcondra Dublin09 Dublin9, Drumcondra, Dublin, D09 K7E2, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 850 0002
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Latitude: 53.3618109, Longitude: -6.2598066

kommentar 5

  • moddaser polash

    moddaser polash


    Yummy food,quick delivery,excellent behavior.u can go there with ur family to have nice food with nice environment,recommended

  • en

    Aisling Looney


    Very disappointing- €70 for 2 people for 2 courses (sharing 1 rice, 1 naan, 3 bottles cobra). Restaurant smelled musty. Waited 55 min for our mains (and only 1 other couple in the restaurant when we arrived). Not recommended.

  • Michael White

    Michael White


    Very friendly staff, good choice of courses, delicious food, and excellent value.

  • Firoj Imam

    Firoj Imam


    Delicious food and excellent friendly service with some groovy Indian music . Two of my friend wanted to try Indian food for the first time and I kept my bet on Ruposhe. We tried some chef recommended cuisines and it was just awesome. Highly recommend

  • Anthony Logue

    Anthony Logue


    My wife and I eat here before the Coldplay Concert. The food was really good, staff very friendly and was reasonably priced. We live on the south side of Dublin but will travel back to eat here. Well worth a visit. January 13 2018 Just back from a fabulous meal again in Ruposhi. Had to visit again. Staff are really pleasant and friendly. Quality of the food is second to none. Lovely friendly atmosphere.

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