Saburritos i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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22, Fonthill Road, Dublin, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 8527
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Latitude: 53.3534247, Longitude: -6.3906652

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rachel Greally


    I would give 5 stars for the food. Eat in this restaurant regularly but on this occasion Friday 16th . Two gentlemen in front of me got served massive portions with extra servings came to me and i litterly got a childs portion charged me €9.45 with a drink . Actually so sorry i did not hand back then a man behind me ordered the same as me and again giant portions. .. i guess she must have a problem with women...

  • Paul Butler

    Paul Butler


    Quick service. Nice burritos but the fillings weren't mixed before wrapping. Chicken was dry.

  • en

    Rob Lee


    Got the vegetarian option here, the falafal but after getting half way through i found some meat. They gave me a refund but still not acceptable

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    Good burrito bowl here. Staff are pleasant and helpful. Meal deals make it reasonably priced too.

  • Rik Veerkamp

    Rik Veerkamp


    Saburritos Liffey valley, definitely a favorite for us when it comes to having a quick bite. Honest food, good portions, decent amount of choice, friendly staff and fair prizes!

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