Sam McCauley Chemists i Enniscorthy

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSam McCauley Chemists



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Court Street, Enniscorthy, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 53 923 3135
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Latitude: 52.500714, Longitude: -6.568803

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aine Noel


    Slow service and poor customer service to some

  • Barry Flynn

    Barry Flynn


    Very slow service for collecting prescriptions.

  • en

    Mary O'Neill


    Great selection of products, friendly staff giving a service of excellence.

  • en

    TB TB


    Waited 45 mins for a prescription at McCauleys in Enniscorthy today. 3rd time this has happened. No system in place from what I can see. This is the only McCauleys chemist this happens in, and I saw other people ahead of me who were still waiting when I left. I was on my lunch hour and was nearly back late as a result of this. Was told 15-20 mins when I arrived, blatantly not true. I am so mad I will never, ever go to this chemist again.

  • en

    Ann Marie Laffan


    Very disappointed with the incorrect Sunday opening hours which were advertised at 10 - 6 on Sunday on your website. Went in at 11 o'clock and not open. Sunday rota in the window suggested they were open at 11.30 which they didn't. Date was wrong. Very frustrating when you need to get a perscription for a sick child. Will just go to Wexford in future.

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