Science Gallery Dublin i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandScience Gallery Dublin



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Trinity College Dublin, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 896 4091
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Latitude: 53.3442039, Longitude: -6.250495

kommentar 5

  • cúnla sy

    cúnla sy


    #TakeBackTrinity As a tourist, you will be welcomed here with open arms and you will be given any resources you need to enjoy your visit. As a student, your struggles will be completely ignored and you will be forced to pay €450 in supplemental fees if you fail one exam, or ten exams. It doesn't matter to the Board. They just want our money. They have no empathy for financial situation, mental health, disability, bereavement, anything. We will not stand for this.

  • Aleksandra Drzaljevic

    Aleksandra Drzaljevic


    I have visited Science Gallery during "Soundcheck" exhibition that was a great idea, however, more than a few things did not work at all or did not work properly. The place looked nice and the atmosphere was nice. I would come back to see other things. Admission was free.

  • Pamela Kelly

    Pamela Kelly


    Science Gallery is a great place to visit, especially with kids. The exhibitions are fun and interesting! It has a nice little café with coffee and pastries, aswell as a small gift shop. The only down side is that it often happens that parts of the exhibition are broken, although I understand this is difficult to avoid given the nature of the exhibitions. Additional instructional information on how to interact with the exhibits would add a lot to the experience. Overall the experience is definitely worthwhile!

  • Faye M

    Faye M


    Not quite what I'd expected, but good. They have a themed exhibition that falls somewhat under the description of the art of technology (design elements of scientific inventions, perhaps?) the exhibition at the time we went was on violence, showcasing inventions such as the printable gun, zip-tie handcuffs, home made gas masks and a virtual reality experience on an immigrant ship for example. Interesting, but I think I might have liked a different exhibition more. Find out before you go.

  • en



    Science Gallery Dublin is a modern gallery that that shows science related exhibits. The theme changes several times a year, so it is always worth coming back for something new. Two things I really love about this place: one, it's free! and two, the gallery is open until 8pm weekdays. The place is quite small though. The volunteer staff are friendly and helpful, and necessary to answer the inevitable questions. One grumble is that sometimes the science exhibits break or don't work, and do not get fixed for a long time, or not at all. The gallery has a cafe, though the range of food is a bit limited. There is also a small shop for science related things. Science Gallery regularly holds events such as talks, details on the website. Most are free, some are paid events. I have attended quite a few of these and would recommend them to anyone with an interest in science or an open mind in general. Overall, a great place to visit.

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