Shannon Airport i County Clare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandShannon Airport


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Co. Clare, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 712 000
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6996573, Longitude: -8.9146911

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ajith Ravindran


    Very professional and fast transit security check for passengers going from Kuwait to New York. However, the cleanliness of the floors have to be maintained at regular intervals.

  • en

    Dr.Nisha George


    Fast and professional. Cleanliness has to improve, especially the floor.

  • en

    Andrew Hollington


    Very small airport but very well served. Very quick through security (literally walked straight through in under 2 minutes). Ryanair flights are crazily cheap to here from Gatwick

  • Shannon Adams

    Shannon Adams


    Clean, modern, international airport - with the added ambience of warm Irish hospitality. As you break through the clouds the surrounding Greenery and farmland will immediately tell you exactly where you are in the world. Car rental if you are "chan e Èirinn" is going to take a fair amount of time - so don't expect a quick turnaround but... the drive from here to anywhere in Ireland is going to be well worth it 👍

  • Brendan Pidgeon

    Brendan Pidgeon


    This may actually be the MOST convenient airport to get into Ireland from North America. Super friendly staff, really easy to navigate, and you find yourself out on the west coast of Ireland which may just be the most beautiful place in the country (just don’t tell the other counties). Obviously Dublin is the airport if you’ve work in the city, but for family vacations, or if you’re going to National University of Ireland, Galway, this is the airport to fly into if you can!

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