Shannon Springs Hotel i Shannon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandShannon Springs Hotel



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Ballycasey, Shannon, Co. Clare, V14 A336, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 364 588
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Latitude: 52.715101, Longitude: -8.862287

kommentar 5

  • Monique Kelly

    Monique Kelly


    Good location, great bar and good food. Staff is friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Carmel Brady


    Great value for money, excellent food and service, would go back.

  • en

    Debbie Phelan


    Great for quick work lunch break, fast friendly and always great food. Have plan to try more leisurely meal soon

  • Bunny Rivera

    Bunny Rivera


    Lovely hotel! Staff is beyond excellent! Downsides though are no gym, and can be really loud if your room is above the pub. The food is fabulous (I highly recommend the rib eye). There's a bus into limerick near by. Breakfast is very good! Close to Bunratty Castle.

  • Tadas Grigaitis

    Tadas Grigaitis


    Nice place to spend some time with friends in Irish pub. There is also a place to have a dinner with a family. Would recommend this place. Can't judge about apartments though. Not so much to choose from a menu, but prices is fair enough. Profesional stuff. They even sing "Happy birthday" to the customers :)

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