Silver Motor Repairs i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSilver Motor Repairs



🕗 åbningstider

1, Lawley House Industrial Estate, Monaghan Road, Ballintemple, Cork, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 758 0067
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.895033, Longitude: -8.450417

kommentar 5

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    P M


    Good honest advice.

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    Aram Hakobyan


    pure ripp off, 100 euro to change just oil and filter. find a fool ...

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    Andrew Jurgilas


    Only wish I discovered Silver Motors earlier!! By far the best car mechanic in town. Went to them a few more times since and am simply impressed with the quality of work, they always go an extra mile and charge extremely reasonably! Taking my girlfriend's car there and recommending to all. A garage you can trust and not to be afraid to be ripped off (especially when you are in a vulnerable situation, like I was when I went there the first time)

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    Kinza Ali Haidri


    A very nice and honest mechanic, gives you great advise, doesn't charge you much, excellent customer service!! If you don't know much about car, please go to Sliver Motor Repair price is much cheaper, the mechanics are much more professional and kind, not to mention they don't take advantage new people with cars, and give the best advise. I am so happy mashAllah alimduAllah to be their customer 😊😊

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    john o shea


    Went here a few months back for a new fanbelt for my avensis, €55 euro supplied and fitted and gave the car a check over while there, quick service, excellent, friendly and cheap, ill definitely go back.

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