Sixt Car Hire - Dublin City Centre i Dublin

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IrlandSixt Car Hire - Dublin City Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Marlborough Street, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 235 2030
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.351858, Longitude: -6.258691

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hari Kishan


    Services and car rental procedures are very excellent. Only backdrop is sometimes it takes very long to reach the desk in queue (on busy days and weekends). I recommend SixT for car rentals and I was always happy

  • Sirak Tekeste

    Sirak Tekeste


    These guys are awesome! Rented cars from this location several times and always get excellence service and cars. The location is central and so it might be busy sometimes during pick up times but the team are usually quick and makes the pick up/drop off effortless. Strongly recommend this place!

  • Gabriel Bitello

    Gabriel Bitello


    I got a very good deal with them, especially with Thomas (over city centre), amazing and quick service. Everything worked out perfectly, very well recommend.

  • Beatriz Gilli

    Beatriz Gilli


    The best place to rent a car, close to city center, all facilities to rent and I Tomas served me very well. He helps me to find the perfect car for our trip!!! Thank you again Tomas for all your help!

  • Ben Van Neste

    Ben Van Neste


    Service was amazing and Thomas did an outstanding job! He handled my requests very well as well as the requests of demanding customers around me. Being under 25 they made it simple to rent a car. Not sure why this place gets a bad rep as I had a great experience. Much thanks to Thomas and Sixt for making my Ireland trip a memorable one!

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