Skerries Harbour i County Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSkerries Harbour


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Townparks, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.5850952, Longitude: -6.1072719

kommentar 5

  • Kasia Nowicka

    Kasia Nowicka


    Very picturesque small harbour & village north of Dublin. Great place for a weekend adventure, there are many restaurants, bars around and even an ice cream hut at the bottom of the pier. Easy to get by commuter train, bus or car. There is a nice footpath along the seafront, swimming areas and a sandy beach.

  • en

    Alice Cronin


    Skerries is a very cute Irish town. Wonderful day trip for tourists. Great restaurants (ie. Blue Bar) and beautiful scenery. You can overlook the harbor, and right across to beautiful rolling hills and farm lard. Picture perfect. Places to visit include the local beach and piers you can swim off of (during the summer 😉), old windmills, and even a castle (although you might need to get the bus or a cab to the castle)

  • Pearse Dunne

    Pearse Dunne


    Great slipway for boats but parking can be a problem in good weather.

  • en

    Louisa Mc Mahon


    Great choice of places to eat or drink while watching the sunset...and love the ice cream.parlour!

  • en

    Keith Needham


    Love skerries. Lovely place to chill out and have a beautiful walk.

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