Skerries Mills i Skerries

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IrlandSkerries Mills



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Townparks, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 849 5208
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Latitude: 53.574332, Longitude: -6.1102175

kommentar 5

  • Mònica Varea

    Mònica Varea


    Lloc amb molt encant, es pot fer un cafe o dinar, veure antics estris del moli I comprar un record a la seva botiga.

  • Jakub Kurek

    Jakub Kurek


    Very nice place for a short visit. I recommend to take a tour guide, it does not take long but it is very interesting and funny. Cafe shop prices are really affordable. Well worth to visit.

  • Caroline Lhopital

    Caroline Lhopital


    Great place, well restored. There is both windmill and watermill. Lovely experience, the kids enjoyed it very much.

  • Fin Girvin

    Fin Girvin


    Fabulous farmers market on a Saturday... best of local produce.. lovely setting..lovely courtyard shops.

  • Ronan Halpenny

    Ronan Halpenny


    Excellent attraction. Spent a weekend in Skerries recently and did the Mills tour with the family on the Saturday. We were the it people on the tour so we had loads of time to ask questions and wander around. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and was able to explain the workings of the Mills really clearly and in such a way that we all understood it by the end of the tour. It lasted about 45 minutes, and even thought it was very cold that day, the kids also enjoyed it and had a blast. There are three sites on the tour; the main Mills building, and then two separate windmills, all of which you get to go into. After the tour we had lunch in the restaurant which was great, and looked at some of the on-site shops which were very festive indeed. Free hot mulled wine was a nice touch too. Great day overall, definitely worth a visit if you are in the area!

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