Sligo City Hotel i Sligo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSligo City Hotel


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Quay Street, Sligo, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 71 914 4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.273198, Longitude: -8.4763548

kommentar 5

  • en

    carol bell


    Enjoyed our stay. Good breakfast, comfortable room.

  • en

    joe soap


    Good hotel .free secure parking to rear of hotel .knowing your car is safe is a great help hotel was clean and tidy staff friendly food good would stay again good location

  • Tomas MacSamhrain

    Tomas MacSamhrain


    Stopped in for a bite to eat, the toasted sandwich we ordered was a feast 😊 Good friendly service.

  • PkPatti H

    PkPatti H


    First off, they have their own car park, which is amazing in any city center. Just needed to be buzzed in at the intercom. The staff was super helpful even though the wifi was spotty. The hotel is within walking distance of several sights, including the Yeats Memorial Building, Sligo Abbey, and Sligo Cathedral. I loved this place.

  • Marco Sangiorgio

    Marco Sangiorgio


    Hotel situato in pieno centro da dove è possibile visitare tutta la città di Sligo. Hotel dispone di un parcheggio privato disponibile per un numero limitato di macchine L’hotel è ben pulito e dispone di una WiFi free e performante Le stanze sono spaziose con un bagno grande e sembrano ben insonorizzate. Il prezzo mi è sembrato un po’ alto. Hotel dispone anche di un ristorante dove la mattina è possibile fare colazione esclusivamente british.

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