Sligo University Hospital i Sligo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSligo University Hospital



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The Mall, F91 H684, Sligo, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 71 917 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.2742148, Longitude: -8.4627651

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margaret McGrath


    Day Services------Fantastic. Very professional and friendly.

  • Hilary Tully

    Hilary Tully


    Staff are the best from the Consultant down to the cleaners everyone is friendly helpful and could not do enough for you. A great team of international Doctors and Nurses. I had a recent unfortunate stay from December to January with Pneumonia and they discovered a rare blood disorder Vasculitis and cured me. The young trainee doctor that discovered the immune deficiency in my blood has my gratitude .. H. Tully of Ballinamore Co. Leitrim

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    Clare Macnamara


    This review applies to August last but I never got round to writing it. I presented at the ED and was extremely impressed with the care and attention I received, which was both professional and friendly from every single person I dealt with.

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    Adrian Lavin


    I have used the services of the hospital in the last week and I have to say the service we received was excellent the nursing staff were extremely helpful and professional as well as the doctors overall I have to say that I was very happy

  • en

    Leah Peoples


    My experience with the maternity ward was exceptional! I had a very bad labour ( and a very stubborn baby ) and the midwifes and doctors couldn't do enough for me , they were amazing!

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