Slimming World Mullingar Bloomfield House i MULLINGAR

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSlimming World Mullingar Bloomfield House



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BELVEDERE, MULLINGAR, Co. Westmeath, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 180 0502
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Latitude: 53.488544, Longitude: -7.362634

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sheelagh Mccann


    Unbelievable genuine support . Our leader is very motivating and nothing is too much effort to her. Any time I have text a question there is a quick helpful and cheerful response. Am thrilled I have finally found slimming world.

  • en

    Lindsey Stewart


    Bloomfield Slimming World group has helped me not only lose weight but also gained confidence and a great bunch of people I class as friends. The support is amazing and it is streets ahead of any other plans I have tried. Thank you Bloomfield Slimming World, Sandra and team .

  • en

    Angela Clarke


    Fantastic healthy eating group, without the support of the whole group and especially the wonderful Sandra Keogh I dread to think of how heavy I'd be now. With 6.5stone gone I'm a changed person. A lot gone but more to go and with this fantastic group I know I'll get there 😊😊

  • Trice M

    Trice M


    Bloomfield, Slimming world definitely deserves 5 stars! ★ Each week I enjoy coming to group and learning something new, ranging from extra easy recipes to useful body magic tips.

  • en

    Sheila Ahearne


    Bloomfield Slimming World changed my life, I couldn't recommend it more. Its fun, friendly and we are one big family. I love it

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