Smyths Arro i Enniscorthy

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSmyths Arro



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10, Rafter Street, Y21 X795, Enniscorthy, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 53 923 3323
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.501332, Longitude: -6.569038

kommentar 5

  • en

    mick daly


    Great shop one stop shop for electronics Hardwares

  • en

    Kay O'Regan


    Its one of the few remaining old fashioned hardware stores where they sell everything the staff know their customers by name they are friendly knowledgeable and its a pleasure to shop in their establishment They sell everything from a packet of flower seeds to the top of the range of tools electrical items etc etc

  • Barry Flynn

    Barry Flynn


    Great store. Would be better if everything was on one level and better marking on isles. Everything very cramped. Some great staff

  • Noeleen O Connor

    Noeleen O Connor


    Have always used Smyth's, as did my dad! They literally have everything for diy, fire department, plastic tubs of all sizes, garden section, garden furniture, household, cake decorating, workwear, electrical goods, lighting and much more. Literally Anything you need you will find it here along with very honest advise, a friendly smile, and always an offer to help you to your car if you need it! The family who run this shop are very nice people and the staff are always great. Have returned in here on occasion and the guy behind the counter remembered the make and colour paint I got when I couldn't 🙈 Caroline is a lady and has helped me numerous times:) I love going to this shop, first place I think of if I need anything & they always have whatever it is I am looking for! So handy too and lots of parking.

  • en

    Alfonso Silverio


    A very big hardware & household shop, Peter Smyth Hardware, Enniscorthy, in several floors at Rafter Street near the Market Square. One can find almost anything one would need in the house. Very friendly, helpfull and professional service from the personnel. Highly recommendable.

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