Smyths Toys Superstores i Letterkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSmyths Toys Superstores



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5 & 6 Letterkenny Retail Park, Neil T Blaney Road, Gortlee, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 916 8392
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Latitude: 54.9485019, Longitude: -7.7282575

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michelle Mcdaid


    Woke up on Christmas morning with a very excited child to be getting her v-tech phone and when she opened the box there was no v-tech phone just a charger nothing else. My child was so upset and cried most of Christmas day. We had to promise the child that we would get her more toys ourselves. It is an absolute disgrace and I've shopped in smyths for a very long time and this never happened before. Went to symths and got it exchanged but wasn't happy with how it was delt with. The manager kept saying sorry but I feel that it was not good enough because it ruined my child's Christmas. I won't be shopping there next year.

  • John Paul

    John Paul


    Suffers same issues as other chain stores close to the border in that they invariably suffer if the exchange rate doesn't favour them, but the staff here are excellent, I frequent regularly due to having 3 kids and loads of nephews and nieces, and each time the staff have been very helpful and friendly. In the odd occasion there has been an issue with a purchase, staff have always been great.

  • en

    Augustina okungbowa


    The shopping there is wonderful and the workers are friendly.The toys are so many that it's very difficult to choose from and the location is perfect

  • en

    Theresa McLaughlin


    Staff great, lad helped me with choosing bike, plus helped put bike in car. Didn't have to wait for help. Thank you!

  • Kieran O'Donnell

    Kieran O'Donnell


    Great customer service today. 12/07/17. Not sure the lady's name but she was so friendly and helpful. Great service and with a smile too.

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