Snoozles Quay Street Tourist Hostel i The Latin Quarter, Galway

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IrlandSnoozles Quay Street Tourist Hostel



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10, Quay Street, The Latin Quarter, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 568 644
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.27126, Longitude: -9.0541652

kommentar 5

  • Paulo Don

    Paulo Don


    Ideally situated to local shops bars and street music. A vibrant area

  • Aneka Minta

    Aneka Minta


    Fine hostel for the price! Rooms are cosy. Ask for a room away from the street!!

  • J Guitar

    J Guitar


    Okay. The location can be great or annoying, depending on your preference, because you are as central as it gets, but it can be seriously loud. Unfortunately no possibility to store your luggage during your day, after you leave. Also: Few bathrooms for the no. of rooms.

  • Kenneth VanOosten

    Kenneth VanOosten


    Great place to stay. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Rooms were typical for a hostel, but were comfortable and the other guests were friendly. Location was perfect as multiple shops, restaurants, and pubs are just down the street. I is also only a short walk away from the train station and the pick up spots for several tours are nearby as well. Definitely staying here again if I return.

  • Brad Douglas

    Brad Douglas


    I stayed here last year when it was still Barnacles. Absolutely perfect location if your in Galway. Rooms were a bit tight. Friendly staff, good common room and kitchen.

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