Spire Hostel Dublin i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSpire Hostel Dublin



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90-93, Marlborough Street, D01 X2W6, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 873 4173
internet side: www.spirehostel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.349798, Longitude: -6.2582421

kommentar 5

  • Quinton OConnor

    Quinton OConnor


    Seems good. Nice facility, friendly staff, good showers, great location, computer, tea and can you believe their lounge has the complete series of Thundercats!?

  • en

    Thomas Bressner


    Great hostel with breakfast included. I liked the central location and the clean bathroom during my stay.

  • emmanuel dambier

    emmanuel dambier


    I had a great stay at Spire Hostel. Very clean, friendly staff and nice room. Cozy feel in the kitchen. The location of the hostel is super

  • en

    Justin Verhulst


    Pretty good hostel - clean, nice enployees, decent breakfast. Drawback: you could hear people in the hallway quite load from the room I slept in. Also on the last night, the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night without a reason, which was very annoying. Nevertheless, I would recommend this hostel if you stay a couple of nights.

  • chiradeep U

    chiradeep U


    Very friendly place. Very warm inside the rooms and the best of all is the youth environment. Definitely recommend to travellers and young people.

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