Sports Direct Castlebar HE i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSports Direct Castlebar HE



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Ellison Street, F23 Y306, Castlebar, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 800 308
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.8556852, Longitude: -9.2998943

kommentar 5

  • Michael Irwin

    Michael Irwin


    Was in the castlebar store today and I found staff so helpful and great to deal with.

  • Keelan Walsh

    Keelan Walsh


    Manager was very unhelpful and had no knowledge of consumer rights . If you are to shop there and they are reluctant to give you redress for a faulty product , contact the CCPC (competition and consumer protection Commission) for advice of the rights and responsibilities of a consumer. If the retailer says “do you want a credit note “ you are not obliged to take it as it is not part of redress . If the retailer is still reluctant get advice on starting a small claims procedure.

  • My Colorful Past

    My Colorful Past


    We waited 35 minutes in what was essentially an empty store today, nobody on the till and literally no staff on hand. In that space of time we asked twice what was going on and were told that somebody would be down to us. It never happened and in that same time three other people left the store, including later ourselves. Empty shop, no service - you might as well have had the closed sign up, it would have been better for business today.

  • Island Girl

    Island Girl


    Absolutely so disappointed by the lack of service in this particular branch of Sports Direct. I can only speak of the footwear department. It took an hour to pick up a pair of brown smart shoes for my son. Only one visible member of staff on the floor at footwear and they were overwhelmed with customers. Eventually after I had spoke to someone at the till another member of staff turned up. I’m sure it was her first day... Spoke to the footwear ‘supervisor’ he was unaware of the situation on the floor as he appeared from a stock room. He said they were understaffed.....Didn’t have a lot of staff...blah blah!!!.I have to say that I did say to him that his staffing problem was not mine. I’m sorry now that I didn’t say when he said he was the footwear supervisor “Well Supervise” At the till the shoes were in fact dearer than advertised. The shoe was the last one in the size required and had a bump on the leather they took 10% off. I’d have preferred no discount and no bump! Moral of story here is don’t go into Sports Direct, Castlebar on a Saturday afternoon unless you have hours of your precious time to waste. Not all Sports Direct Stores are run like this one. Someone somewhere is getting paid to manage this store. Perhaps training from the top down would be something to consider here.

  • Carmel Barrett

    Carmel Barrett


    Staff are very unhelpful. It's a shame to see what was once a thriving store under the Heaton name to be so empty each time you walk into it. Not a great selection of products, both Irish and non Irish. Elverys would have better quality

nærmeste Cykel butik

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