ST Pumps i Phibsboro

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IrlandST Pumps



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324B, North Circular Road, D07 NX86, Phibsboro, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 830 8781
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Latitude: 53.360576, Longitude: -6.2750484

kommentar 5

  • TheGimp Stick

    TheGimp Stick


    Good stock but spent 300€ on a refurbished pump and ended up having to get a plumber out to tell me two connections inside the pump were loose. Not happy

  • Tony Murray

    Tony Murray


    I finally tracked a company down to repair my faulty Stuart Toner pump. It had been giving trouble on & off over the last 18 months. Humming noise and intermittently not pumping water for the showers etc. A quick Google search and I came across ST pumps. To say they were helpful is an understatement. I rang on a Monday lunchtime - by Tuesday midday pump was fitted with new parts and is now 100% working again. Highly knowledgeable on ST pumps, crystal clear communications and a super service. I most happily recommend ST pumps for anyone looking to repair rather than replace your faulty ST water pump. (If it was beyond repair which mine was not they offer reconditioned pumps for sale also) Thanks guys.

  • Bernadette Murray

    Bernadette Murray


    Got Home from work today only to find my pump was leaking, rang ST Pumps and one of there engineers came at 7 pm to repair it, Thanks Guys,

  • en

    Horváth István


    I bought lately online a few spare parts for stuart turner pumps wich came the next day and they were perfect.Exactly what it says on the description. Definitely recommend st-pumps for everybody !! Helpful and reliable staff.

  • Mircea Gheortu

    Mircea Gheortu


    The most reliable service I came across ever. I would recommend ST-PUMPS to everyone who has problem with his water pump,quick response and great service for the fraction of a new water pump cost. Friendly and efficient staff!!!

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