Steeltech Garden Sheds (Bishopstown) i Cork

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IrlandSteeltech Garden Sheds (Bishopstown)



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Bandon Road, Cork, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 486 7000
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Latitude: 51.872777, Longitude: -8.522995

kommentar 5

  • Jonathan O'Reilly

    Jonathan O'Reilly


    No question unanswered by very knowledgeable staff. Great variety of really nice sheds

  • en

    P Mccarthy


  • Darren O Leary

    Darren O Leary


    Had a shed fitted recently by steeltechs team and to say I'm satisfied is an understatement. From dealing with the order at ballyseedy to the erection of the shed everything was 100%. I had lots of trouble on my own side regarding access to the back garden and problems with my Base, but the team came and advised me right and put me in the right direction. I'd recommend steeltech without hesitation. And thanks to Sara for being very patient 😉😉👍

  • Diarmuid Kelleher

    Diarmuid Kelleher


    Fantastic to deal with. Mary in the Bishopstown. very helpful. Went over and above to help us and guide us on finishes. We changed our mind on size and roof finish half way through the process and they had no problem facilitated the change with no fuss. Guys came to fit and limited access to back. But again no problem no fuss. In and out in two hours. left the place spotless. cant recommend them high enough. And Mary is definitely on our Christmas card list. Thanks so much for the pleasant hassle free experience.

  • Eamon Dennehy

    Eamon Dennehy


    Very poor customer experience. Organised for shed to be ready for September then to be told in September it would not be ready until Jan/Feb at the earliest. In the August they recommend a guy to lay concrete base for shed. We needed side access from a neighbor as we have a town house. This guy destroyed her garden in the process despite reassuring us before hand that he would be super clean and tidy. As you can imagine that quickly spoiled relations with our neighbor. Come Feb and shed was still not ready we demanded a refund on our deposit which took another two months of constant calls and emails. Despite cancelling the order we got a phone call in April (7 months after due date) to say shed was ready. I would avoid Steeltech and try the Adman sheds from Hanleys.

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