Strandhill Campsite i Strandhill

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandStrandhill Campsite


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1, Cannon View, Strandhill, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 71 916 8111
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.2714174, Longitude: -8.607888

kommentar 5

  • Sylwester Szczerbanowski

    Sylwester Szczerbanowski


    Super miejsce na wypoczynek i biwak z bliskimi dostępem do oceanu 😁

  • en

    Rebecca Brown


    It was really really nice and the view was lovely

  • en

    Agnieszka Porebska


    I would give 5 stars but one was lost due to very ignorant, unfriendly and uninformative staff member at the reception. The young man didn't bother to inform us where is the tent area or toilets, information had to be dragged out of him because he was to occupied with his phone. We got the key fob to open the gate but we wernt informed that this have to be used to open the toilet door, so we had to run in lashing rain to get the fob back from the car. Camp site overall is v clean and have great location. Again one star lost because of the staff member...

  • Damien MacFarland

    Damien MacFarland


    Pretty big site. Just rolled up on the day, no booking, 22 quid for 2 people and the camper, we didn't get electric. Beach, bars, ice cream adjacent. Friendly welcome at the reception, very informative. Showers and toilets on site. As well as electricity and water.

  • en

    Michael Mc Daid


    Well kept but very big and busy.

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