Suncroft B&B i Ballina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSuncroft B&B


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3, Cathedral Close, Ballina, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 96 21573
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.1123107, Longitude: -9.1495324

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jessica Shally


  • Jorge Rasteiro

    Jorge Rasteiro


    Breda and Dave Walsh are the best hosts ever and the B&B feels like home. Will be back for sure.

  • en

    Tom Brady


    Stayed in Suncroft during the summer and had a great time, lovely rooms and lovely people. Very close to town only 2 minutes walk. Plenty of local pubs to go too. Breakfast was lovely and couldn't of asked for any more.

  • Sas



    Small room, we had 40 cm from the bed to the walls and could only open our suitcases on our bed. Hairs on the floor and in the bathroom plus shower. Stains on the towels and only one towel per person. The shower is very bad. Only drops of water did come out. You will need more time to wash the soap away. The whole room was not really clean. Breakfast was ok. Dave is really nice and helpful.

  • Thomas Schwarzl

    Thomas Schwarzl


    Very nice staff, lovely house, clean rooms, cheap, free wifi, perfect location

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