SuperValu Ranelagh i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSuperValu Ranelagh



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31-33, Ranelagh Road, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 496 4270
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3257345, Longitude: -6.2551763

kommentar 5

  • Mary English

    Mary English


    Great value and loads of variety to be had here.

  • Eimhin Lowney

    Eimhin Lowney


    went in to order a chicken roll one day. i ordered a southern fried chicken fillet roll with butter and cheese on it. now, the order that i usually like my rolls is like so: butter first, then cheese, then the chicken. now i assumed the deli worker knew what she had to do to make the roll but i was disappointed to say the least. first, she didnt even remember to lay down the butter on the roll. next she put in the chicken first. the she placed the cheese in which is sure to fall out if placed on the outside. and finally when all was said and done, she asks if i still want butter????? just goes to show how clueless she was. where would the butter even go on the roll?????? overall i was very unimpressed with my chicken fillet roll that day. i hope nobody else ever gets served a roll made so badly ever again. still a good shop for buying food just not for chicken fillet rolls.

  • Daniel White

    Daniel White


    Usually don't stock the one thing u need. Last week had no frozen peas... but had a freezer full of (wait for it...) brussels sprouts. Who even eats them? The Brutch? Whoever is ordering their stock needs a refresher course. The beef is usually top notch tho!

  • Marek Kubita

    Marek Kubita


    Lidl next door is usually better stocked and cheaper, but it's fine to visit once in a while

  • Chris O'Connor

    Chris O'Connor


    Good local supermarket for most standard stuff. Strong push to get local farmers and producers goods in. Plenty of choice of good quality vegetarian ingredients. Excellent off license.

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