Sweet Sundaes i Carlingford

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IrlandSweet Sundaes



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Market Street, Liberties of Carlingford, Carlingford, Co. Louth, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 42 938 3200
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 54.0402684, Longitude: -6.1867645

kommentar 5

  • en

    Geraldine Mcshane


    Great shop with a great selection of Ice Creams to choose from, my personal favourite is Snickers. The Sauces are also amazing !!! What a great treat to have and spoil yourself. Definitely recommend a visit every time you visit beautiful Carlingford !!!

  • en

    Brona Halpin


    Love this shop. As do the kids. Great ice cream and crepes. A must visit if you are in Carlingford

  • Amphibia Sport

    Amphibia Sport


    Loved the ice cream in here, wanted to try all of them! Hmmmm and the crepes are to die for :)

  • Nicole PK

    Nicole PK


    My friend and I found this hidden gem on a recent trip to Carlingford. What was supposed to be a quick stop for a small ice cream cone became our stop for a very sweet lunch! The two girls behind the counter were very efficient and friendly! The crepes were made to perfection and tasted amazing! We made our own sundaes with bizarre but very tasty flavours including Kinder Bueno, Ferrerro Richer and Snickers. The range of toppings for the ice creams were infinite including Kinder Bueno pieces, Rolos, jelly beans and so much more! I would highly recommend this place as the customer service is impeccable and the food is delicious! The interior decor is lovely, with upcycled garden furniture for seating and a range of old traditional sweets for sale at the rear of the shop. Outdoor seating is provided with picnic benches backing onto the Adventure Centre. The premises was immaculate and perfect for taking the kids! I'm looking forward to many returns!!!

  • Maliq -O

    Maliq -O


nærmeste Cafe

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