Tanyard Lane i Tullamore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTanyard Lane



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1-5, Offaly Street, Tullamore, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 57 934 1832
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 53.2762685, Longitude: -7.4920978

kommentar 5

  • David Spain

    David Spain


    Nice pub, good variety of craft beers and spirits. This place had a band playing live on Saturday night but still fails to draw in crowds.

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    Kieran Hunston


    Love this place, love my craft beer, and what a selection they have. Always friendly and helpful

  • Malachy Mulhall

    Malachy Mulhall


    Recently refurbished large pub in the town centre of tullamore . Loads of parking at the back . Food is good . Staff are friendly ... Loads of craft beer to choose from . Big smoking area with a big screen . Lots of sports on the big screens inside . Lovely place to have a party and food .

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    Lisa naughton


    Lovely place nice staff quiet though . Not place if u want a lively night

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    Lucy and Olivia show


    Not much atmosphere music good but needs more of a boost!!

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