- Kilkenny Office i Kilkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9491 - Kilkenny Office



🕗 åbningstider

IDA Business & Technology Park Ring Road, Danville, Kilkenny, R95 ETN5, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 56 778 3400
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.6347254, Longitude: -7.236111

kommentar 5

  • Hannes Rinkl

    Hannes Rinkl


    Worst company ever! Communication is so bad! I could not belief how many times they did something wrong. Never use this company for your taxback! Would have been easier to do it myself, and cheaper too!

  • Clodagh Doyle

    Clodagh Doyle


  • Oxana Comanescu

    Oxana Comanescu


    This is an overdue review: I relocated from Ireland to US in 2013 to be found by Irish Revenue in 2015 with pretty scary claims. Taxback combed through my hairy and complicated situation with a an impressive ease and competence. They had my back at all times and all their verdicts, including a dispute with Revenue were accurate and correct. Also, they were very accommodating and without charging extra, helped me to resolve many small issues, complex to address when you're not in the country. The communication with them was easy and personal. Great team delivering great service! Thank you!

  • Adrien Pajot

    Adrien Pajot


    Making customer pay $35 for bank transfer on top of other fees and not giving them an alternative option not so great 👎

  • Shauna Mackey

    Shauna Mackey


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