Temple Gate Hotel i Ennis

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IrlandTemple Gate Hotel



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The Square, Clonroad Beg, Ennis, Co. Clare, V95 HOXK, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 65 682 3300
internet side: www.templegatehotel.com
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Latitude: 52.8438665, Longitude: -8.9815615

kommentar 5

  • Pauline Collins

    Pauline Collins


    The hotel is beautiful but the menu wasn't great the salad was basic and too much red onion only lettuce and onion no tomato qcumber or any other salad in the plate coffee was the best I've ever tasted from a coffee lover the staff kept going missing over all would like to try the menu on another day and experience it again

  • Lawrence Letizia

    Lawrence Letizia


    We only stayed the night, then went on to hike the Cliffs of Moher. At the end of a full day I received a call from the hotel. I had left my Passport and some cash in the safe. Needless to say our plans put us back there that evening. Honesty goes a long way in my book! Clean, everything Irish, location and good food.

  • Deborah L

    Deborah L


    Beautiful hotel, friendly staff and very reasonable priced food in the bar. EXCELLENT location in the town - plenty of shops, restaurants and bars within a 2 min walk

  • Maria Haugh

    Maria Haugh


    We had our daughters and niece communion here on the 25th May. We had amazing day the staff went above and beyond for us . We had hired the private room as we had a lot of young children, and one of the guest was in a wheelchair. The room was ideal for us . I would like to thank Amy you work with us over the last few months she was amazing. All the staff were so helpful and nice . We will be Back 😀

  • Craig Clark

    Craig Clark


    Book a room online and booked a King Bed. Check in was fine but got to the room and it was more like a Queen or a double bed. Called down to the front desk and was told it was an "Irish King" and was the biggest bed they had, OK no big deal as as long as it was a comfortable bed.....Guess what it was like sleeping on a bag of Rocks and was super squeaky. To top it off our room was above a bus stop and the Hotel loading dock. So we got to listen to bus motors idling and delivery trucks backing in. And I can sleep through most anything. DONT STAY AT THE TEMPLE GATE HOTEL IF YOU WANT TO GET ANY SLEEP.

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