Tequila Jack's Mexican Restaurant & Tequila Bar i Cork

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IrlandTequila Jack's Mexican Restaurant & Tequila Bar



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Lapp's Quay, T12 KCW0, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 202 1002
internet side: www.tequilajacks.ie
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Latitude: 51.8986752, Longitude: -8.4643915

kommentar 5

  • Adrian Iodice

    Adrian Iodice


    Food was of good quality and not much to complain about, however for a few drinks and two mains the price did seem a bit higher than my usual dinner out. Music seemed very out of place (think busy strip club/new age mumble rap). Did reserve a table 2 days in advance and arrived on time and table was not ready so had to wait at the bar, and was then taken to my table which was in the furthest corner of the restaurant. Would recommend for someone who likes Mexican food and would like to go out with a group of friends or colleagues

  • Mo Abouts

    Mo Abouts


    Surprisingly tasty food! The steak and shrimp fajitas were some of the nicest fajitas I have ever had. Really great to have the fresh salad alongside the usual sauces. Juicy shrimps and a generous portion of steak.

  • Lauren O'Brien

    Lauren O'Brien


    I just ate here with my boyfriend for a pre Valentine's meal as it's our only night off this week. The staff were incredibly friendly and the food was extremely tasty. We were served by two amazing staff members, Niamh and Gavin and they couldn't have done more for us. I would really recommend as it's spacious, modern and the food and drink is fantastic. Great experience!

  • en

    André Domingos


    Went here during the weekend and didn't really like the atmosphere. Food wasn't anything special, music was extremely loud and wasn't thematic. Had a lot of tequila variety, but shots came with a hefty price. I heard it's calmer during the week, with a more thematic atmosphere.

  • Fergus Murphy

    Fergus Murphy


    Really well kitted out bar / restaurant serving tasty Mexican food and cocktails. Decent portions and good value. Plenty of mixed seating areas. Perfect for large groups of friends. Service is pretty quick and the staff are very friendly.

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