Tesco Superstore i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTesco Superstore



🕗 åbningstider

Ballybeg Drive, Waterford, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 928 519
internet side: www.tesco.com
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Latitude: 52.237159, Longitude: -7.139542

kommentar 5

  • en

    S bob


    All ways have a brilliant range

  • en

    catherine sfendji


    The store is nice and clean but the staff need so so much more training in customer service and how to deal with the public they often shout back and forth from till to till always complaing that they are the only ones working on the till and not enough help, customers go to the shop to have a pleasant experience not to be told about the running problems of the company , I have to agree with others also that's so much of the fresh food products section esp fresh meat and dairy have a very limited shelf life age in comparison to the other Tescos in Waterford often then have been selling meat that has one day if not that Day dated left on it , shame I would shop there more if staff were a little less self orientated and the food was fresher

  • John Riordan

    John Riordan


    Very convenient store to access if coming from out of town from the west side of the city. Lots of parking spaces. Good selection of products. Staff always helpful.

  • en

    Martin McEvoy


    Never busy busy like other places everything their that you need in and out as quick as you like that's why I always go here

  • en

    Claire Simpson


    Very quiet. Nice to have a look around. Staff friendly

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