Tesco Superstore i Blanchardstown

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTesco Superstore



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Roselawn Shopping Centre, Roselawn Rd, Blanchardstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 928 507
internet side: www.tesco.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.382697, Longitude: -6.3817357

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Vitto


    It's hard to find any info if shop is open during snow storm weather.

  • Ingrid



    Nice store to get around but the staff are so rude especially the lady on till I believe her name was Kim. She was too busy talking loudly to her friend on the other till about lunch to even greet us. Myself and my mother said hello and her reply was do you have a Tesco clubcard. When the transaction was complete she told us the price with no please or no thank you. I am a manager myself and if I knew my staff were this rude I'd be appalled. Think some staff RE raining is required. I don't have a desire to return to this particular Tesco

  • en

    Patricia Carter


    Very convenient shop Tesco today well done making it so easy

  • Max Boccalari

    Max Boccalari


    Nice superstore, good value and fresh foods. The products branded Tesco are very valuable and have a great quality. Easy to find parking. Should be better just have a bigger store.😊

  • Vikas Gupta

    Vikas Gupta


    Normal Tesco Store. Large parking but is quite busy most of the times. The store is open till midnight so comes in handy. Old times feel.

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