The Antique Tavern i Enniscorthy

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IrlandThe Antique Tavern


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14, Slaney Street, Enniscorthy, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 923 3428
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Latitude: 52.5021344, Longitude: -6.5674307

kommentar 5

  • Marie Yorke

    Marie Yorke


    This bar is nice. Ambience OK. Stairs up the side of the building to a smoking almost on the roof has a great viewing area. It's great to people watch.

  • en

    Paddy Donnelly


    Lovely friendly little bar, enjoyed a good few beers here. Would've given 5 stars but they wouldn't let me have the cool helmet hanging over the bar ;)

  • Alan Gartland

    Alan Gartland


    A great tiny little pub,friendly staff

  • Martin Kilbride

    Martin Kilbride


    The Antique Tavern is not the biggest pub/bar in Enniscorthy but this only adds to the charm,intimacy and cosiness here. Friendly atmosphere,friendly staff and reasonably priced. There is free WiFi, and a drink on the upstairs terrace will offer great views of the quays and the Slaney,as my photo below shows. Enjoyed it here.

  • Emierito Dimitrov

    Emierito Dimitrov


    I had my first Guinness in Ireland here. The smoking area is not very tidy

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