The Art of Coffee GPO Arcade i Dublin 1

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IrlandThe Art of Coffee GPO Arcade



🕗 åbningstider

10, Henry Street, Dublin 1, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 873 3036
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Latitude: 53.349125, Longitude: -6.261718

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joann Browne


    A comfortable place for a meal with food & well.look after

  • Deanna Marshall

    Deanna Marshall


    Food wasn't horrible but they display a trip advisor award on half the window so you'd expect helpful and friendly staff. My food wasn't added to the order even though it was confirmed twice. When we questioned it we were ignored and I was made to line up again to order my meal. Worst food experience that I've had in Ireland and do not recommend eating here.

  • en

    Jia Yonglin


    The place is really nice and with good food and coffee. I give 2 stars because the staff is not as welcoming as last year. They are a bit cold and made me miss the old staff.

  • marion halligan

    marion halligan


    Gem of a place,great selection of food, wonderful choice of cakes and super coffee. Very clean & staff are very friendly and helpful. Like the coffee so much I buy the coffee beans here to have when I'm home

  • Ryan Connolly

    Ryan Connolly


    Good service and prices, nice atmosphere and food

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