The Art of Coffee i Dublin 2

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IrlandThe Art of Coffee



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Harcourt Road, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 475 9118
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.332697, Longitude: -6.262369

kommentar 5

  • Jane Cahill

    Jane Cahill


    Good coffee and plenty of other things on offer to have too

  • en

    Macan Tire1798


    In my experience taxi drivers know were to get the best coffee in Dublin. Spy a parked taxi with no sign of the driver, then look for the nearest coffee selling establishment and you usually have it. With a name like The art of coffee any reasonable person would expect to see a few empty taxi's out side but no, now don't get me wrong the coffee is grand and that is all it is. The real strength of the art of coffee is the sandwiches. Italian hams, meatballs, cheeses. some good quality stuff going on there. Perhaps the owner(s) are attempting to be artistic with the name, the art of sandwiches being more descriptive. What ever their reasoning it is a nice place to sit down, you could do worse, taxi drivers should get over themselves.

  • fr

    henry dupont


    Ambiance et lieu très bien. Personnel très accueillant. J'ai adoré le café et les dessins dessus.

  • Seosamh O Colla

    Seosamh O Colla


    Good food and coffee. Higher end prices. Staff on the cold side

  • en

    Sile Hassett


    Lovely food and very good service. Busy spot and decor is really nice.

nærmeste Cafe

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