The Beacon Hotel i Dublin 18

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IrlandThe Beacon Hotel



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Beacon Court, D18 Y8N7, Dublin 18, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 291 5000
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Latitude: 53.276325, Longitude: -6.220557

kommentar 5

  • Kristina Mastel

    Kristina Mastel


    We had a booking for the bar/restaurant area last week, for a business gathering. It was a last minute booking for 24 people that I manage to mess up as I gave the wrong date. The staff was very warm and welcoming. Within no time they managed to accompany food and drinks. Staff was one of the best I ve seen. Definitely will keep the beacon in my mind for further activities like that.

  • Gavin Foley

    Gavin Foley


    Fantastic hotel. Food was ok. Rooms were lovely. Very reasonable price too.

  • Tammy Grinager

    Tammy Grinager


    BBQ was very tasty! Love the heaters outside, saved us while eating. Very clean and elegant. Toilets are super clean and lovely smelling soap/lotion. Good staff! Bit pricey for drinks.

  • Victoria S

    Victoria S


    We have stayed in this hotel a few years ago and as our anniversary was this weekend we have decided to go to the city center for a dinner and come for a night sleep over into the Beacon hotel. I have checked in about 6.30pm and went to see the room (202). I was absolutely shocked to see conditions of the room! How significantly doped standards of the room since we've been there last time. I understand that hotel do not have budget to invest into new furniture, but housekeeping is on annual leave I believe in this hotel as rooms are very dirty and dusty (please see photos attached). I came back to the reception and told them that conditions of the room 202 is not acceptable and if she can give me another room that I can stay. Receptionist kindly offered me room 311 that had bigger bed but conditions of the room were absolutely the same. I understood that all rooms are like that and decided to clean some part of the room myself and went to meet my husband in the city center for a dinner. After dinned we came back to the Beacon hotel ... when something happened that I didn't expect at all! I went to bed and turned one of the pillows when I saw a few BLOOD STAINS on the pillow (please see photos attached)!!! I couldn't believe to my eyes! I showed to my husband and we urgently decided to check out as it was out of any hygiene policies. We even didn't spend 30 minutes in that room. We took that pillow to show to the receptionist. They apologized for that and said that they will not charge us for the room. I asked to get an email of the management, but they didn't think it was necessary to email to the management and if I want, I can email to them. I totally understand it is not their fault but the management that completely forgot about exictence of this hotel. So, we had very scary experience with the Beacon Hotel and will never come back to the Beacon hotel anymore. It is not a 4 star hotel any longer! Conditions are absolutely unacceptable! Hotel inspection definitely worth a visit to this place. Stay away people.

  • Marta Goral

    Marta Goral


    Really great hotel and value albeit slightly outside of the centre of Dublin. The rooms are finished to a high standard. Restaurant serves amazing food. Really sorry to see "My Thai" go soon. Reception staff are most helpful. Beds extremely comfortable and the bathrooms have great showers. They provide good quality shampoo, conditioner and body wash (with no parabens or sulphates) which is very rare in Dublin. They also provide tea and coffee in the room refilled each day. The only negative I'd say are the not too well insulated windows so if you are a light sleeper make sure to bring ear plugs and ask for a room facing the court yard.

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