The Black Gate Cultural Centre i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Black Gate Cultural Centre



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Francis Street, Saint Francis Street, H91 R6P3, Galway, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 85 220 5049
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2748406, Longitude: -9.0532395

kommentar 5

  • David Woods

    David Woods


    Super great spot for having a glass of wine and some light food. Really atmospheric.

  • mluz coello

    mluz coello


    Great venue with great artists playing on a weekly basic, nice selection of wines very suitable for the cheeses board they offer in their menu

  • Mary Curtin

    Mary Curtin


    Lovely bar and venue, could do with Guinness on tap ( they're trying to get it - are having discussions with the suppliers). But in thw meantime they have interesting bottled beers and nice wines.

  • en

    laura moreno


    I am really disappointed because of the service. I went for a soup, and the waitress who has been working didn't come to check If everything was OK. The souphone was spicy and I could eat it, when I said to the waitress at the moment of pay my bills she didn't do anything and for sure charge the amount in my credit card. The waiteress completely doesn't care about that I told her.

  • en

    Silvia Trentin


    One of the best places I have ever been! Great atmosphere, original and lovely furniture, great music, friendly staff, the right place to chill out and enjoy a nice drink with good friends.

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