The Blue Rose Floral Co. i Raheny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Blue Rose Floral Co.



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Unit 2 Woodfall House, Watermill Road, Clontarf, Raheny, Co. Dublin, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 832 8881
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3796432, Longitude: -6.1776612

kommentar 5

  • Monika Strickland

    Monika Strickland


    I am long term customer of these guys and I have to say I love their flowers. Would highly recommend. It’s always great to use a local florist who cares about their reputation

  • Bilquees Williams

    Bilquees Williams


    Happy Recipient & Happy Customer Beautiful flowers delivered on time to my Nana. Also the delivery driver also made her day. Thanks so much Have tried sending flowers from cheaper companies but you get what you pay for. . Lesson learnt.

  • Amy Faust

    Amy Faust


    Needed some last minute flowers to Dublin City which was a little late in the day but they really went out of their way to oblige! Great service and my Aunt loved the flowers!

  • Nora Randall

    Nora Randall


    The flowers you sent my friend were stunning, thank you so much for your help at such short notice and will be using your shop all the time.

  • Blake Rebecca

    Blake Rebecca


    The girls in the Bluerose in Raheny looked after my wedding flowers and I have to say they were fantastic to deal with from start to finish. They took me through all the options until I found what I wanted and the flowers on the day were fantastic. Big shout out to Laura & Alena xx

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