The Clockwork Door i Dublin

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IrlandThe Clockwork Door



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51, Wellington Quay, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 538 0998
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Latitude: 53.3460852, Longitude: -6.2626147

kommentar 5

  • Grace Vorosmarti

    Grace Vorosmarti


    Really personable and friendly staff. Cozy and comfortable atmosphere. The escape room was brilliantly put together, full of challenging but rewarding puzzles. all around welcoming environment from the patrons to the staff.

  • Fintan O'Hara

    Fintan O'Hara


    Cool Alice in wonderland based escape room. Really atmospheric with some clever puzzles

  • Chrissy Hughes

    Chrissy Hughes


    Great hidden gem! A home away from home. Plenty of rooms to chill in and play games. We played the escape the room too and had a great time trying to figure our way out. Pop in and pay them a visit, you won’t be disappointed!

  • en

    Anna Taylor


    Wonderful escape room! Couldn’t recommend it more. My boyfriend and I went there and we managed to finished it (yeowww) in time, but certainly more fitted for a group of 4 because there are loads of puzzles and the story is great. The room itself is beautiful and just so clever and cute. Wonderful place as well to just escape from the rain

  • Dylan Lee

    Dylan Lee


    What an odd and unique place to visit... You pay for the amount of time you stay here but the amenities are free, including coffee, tea , biscuits, books (not to take home obviously) etc. You can book rooms for the likes of Dungeons & Dragons at a decent rate or can just go here for a quiet place to read. The price can be reasonably steep depending on what you're doing - it's a fixed rate but if you're just reading a book you might as well do it somewhere else for free. Even so I'd recommend a visit just to check it out at least once for its oddball nature.

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