The Curragh i Kildare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Curragh


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Kildare, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.1420265, Longitude: -6.8285954

kommentar 5

  • Pat Flavin

    Pat Flavin


    An outwash plain measuring 6 miles by 2 miles in County Kildare. It's home of the thoroughbred house breeding industry. The annual showpiece is the Irish Derby held at the Curragh Racecourse

  • stephen maher

    stephen maher


    Heaven on Earth. Mystical. Magical. Ever changing and always the same. It might actually be the centre of The Universe. If Carlsberg did glaciated plains...then this would be it. Rumour has it that Chuck Norris played handball in the ballalley at O'Higgins Terrace and caused it to crumble. The ball is still in orbit.

  • Niall O'Mahoney

    Niall O'Mahoney


    Fantastic amenity. Perfect for walks, and close to the town.

  • en

    Sean Paul Stallard


    Great place to go for a quiet walk, get some fresh air and let the kids run free. Or throw on your runners and go for run across the beautiful plains. Visit the golf course or have a day out at the races. If your into history why not drop into the camp and visit the museum. Its open all week and is absolutely free and when you come out, cross the street and pick up a coffee in the centra store run by local people, for their local community.

  • Mary Malone

    Mary Malone


    Lovely place 4 a walk or drive. Plenty fresh air and room for kids 2 run around

nærmeste Parkere

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