The Dame Tavern i Dublin 2

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IrlandThe Dame Tavern



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18, Dame Court, D02 W683, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 993 0379
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Latitude: 53.3438244, Longitude: -6.2639606

kommentar 5

  • Derek Kirwan

    Derek Kirwan


    Great small old Dublin pub. Good live music during the week

  • Guy Maidan

    Guy Maidan


    This is the best local pub in Dublin city center. Lots of locals, nice atmosphere, not too crowded. And they say the Genus is better in Dublin, it's not. It's as good as everywhere.

  • Karl X Byrne

    Karl X Byrne


    The Dame Tavern is a cracker of a little place. Tucked away on one of the city centres prettiest lanes the Dame provides genuinely warm service and the price of a pint is reasonable considering you would pay substantially more by walking across the road. The place is perfect for a daytime drink but does get packed with a very friendly clientele of an evening. There is live music most if not every night and the trad meet ups on the weekend are legendary.

  • en

    Richard Fogarty


    Pretty good pub located in a central area. I have usually only been there at weekends and it is usually busy and had live music. Not the biggest place but not a problem. I love the street it is on because in the summer you can stand outside and there would be a big crowd coming from all the neighbouring pubs

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    Gavin Ruth


    Great spot, cosy place. Lively on the weekends. Always live music (some decent muscians play) and a great mix of people. Always a great sing song to be had and a laugh.

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