The Duke & Coachman Bar & Restaurant Maynooth i Maynooth

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IrlandThe Duke & Coachman Bar & Restaurant Maynooth



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Main Street, Maynooth, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 504 9112
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Latitude: 53.3812409, Longitude: -6.5914381

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jayne cloudycloggs


    Went for a Mothers day meal, with my Sister and her family in Ireland. The pub was a lot larger than expected, staff very welcoming, and have excellent customer service skills. Very clean and tidy, the meal was very good value for money, and very tasty. I will definitely return next time I am in Dublin. I strongly recommend.

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    Ashley Penney


    Was there on st patricks day and as per usual it was a blast. Enjoyable. Staff on form enjoying the day

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    pam martin


    Went out with my sister and her family for a Mother’s Day lunch, I am visiting from Bristol UK. The pub was larger than expected, very clean, food excellent, and very very tasty ... good value for money. The staff are very friendly and welcoming, great banter. I had a great time, as we would say in Bristol ‘gurt lush’. I would recommend, and I would visit next timeI am visiting my sister in Lucan. thank you to all staff and chef :). Regards Jayne Macleod

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    Alen Tully


    I ate here today with my wife and kids and our friends, there was 8 of us in total. Great service, great food, great location and the price was very affordable. Good view for the match and very child friendly. Kids eat free on a Sunday! Will definitely be making this a more regular occurrence on a Sunday. Well done Duke and Coachman.

  • Mario Dukmenic

    Mario Dukmenic


    Very nice place to have a meal, coffee, pint... or a great night out. Even during the week you could have a very interesting night out because there is a lot of students. There is a big beer garden with pool tables and huge screen if you want to watch your favorite team match.

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