The ISHSKO Dental Centre i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe ISHSKO Dental Centre



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2 Brooklands, Lannagh Rd, Garryduff, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 WR63, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 2468
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Latitude: 53.856947, Longitude: -9.303141

kommentar 5

  • Stefanie Dinkelbach

    Stefanie Dinkelbach


    Best dentist ever. Evelyn removed all my 14 mercury fillings carefully and safely for me and has been looking after my teeth and health ever since. We come all the way up from Cork for treatments but it is worth it. We are happy to know our health is in safe hands.

  • Maggie Naoupu

    Maggie Naoupu


    Ishsko is a breath of fresh air. Where else can you get top class dental treatment with the added option of complimentary holistic treatments under the same roof. It is so refreshing and simply revoluntionary (for Ireland). Hopefully more dentists will follow in Evelien's footsteps. Evelien diagnosed and resolved, immediately, an issue I had for years that I had attended three different, "reputable" dental surgeries with and none of them could help me. I am now pain and worry free. I also brought my son (4) to see Evelien. He is usually very anxious and he was immediately at ease with Evelien. A dental and holistic genius!

  • Eileen Conneely

    Eileen Conneely


    Excellent dentist! Truly holistic treatment approach. Evelien is a font of holistic knowledge. She has her finger on the pulse when it comes to natural & complementary health modalities, and of course the gentlest, most non-toxic, cutting-edge dental technologies/tools. Whether it's wanting to maintain or restore dental/ physical/ mental/ emotional health I highly recommend going to Ishsko wellness centre. And if you are looking for a Mercury free dentist to safely remove amalgam fillings and address damage/ toxicity caused by them this is the place to go in Ireland. So lucky to have this practice in the west of Ireland.

  • Sharon Rollston

    Sharon Rollston


    This is the real deal - Dr. Evelien and her team provide truly holistic dental care, effectively supporting whole body healing and health. Ishsko staff are highly-skilled and knowledgeable, compassionate and caring. The ethos of the practice is forward-thinking and embraces many cutting edge techniques and technologies. If you care about the connection between your teeth and your long term vitality and quality of life, this is THE dentist to go in Ireland.

  • Ann Bolger

    Ann Bolger


    Excellent holistic dentist and many other therapies available which help detox the body especially from mercury . Very friendly informative staff.

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