The Jewellers i Lucan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Jewellers


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Lucan, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 624 9886
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Latitude: 53.3479553, Longitude: -6.4530175

kommentar 5

  • Romain Piccolo

    Romain Piccolo


    Delighted with the service received and good price for watch and other accessories. Friendly, knowledgeable and kind staff. Will go back again.

  • The Hitmen Trio

    The Hitmen Trio


  • Ray Cooney

    Ray Cooney


    The shop is looking worn out lately which is sad as they have been around for a long time in Lucan, some nice costume type jewelry but its pricey for what you are getting

  • en

    Caroline Copeland


    Not atall friendly

  • Ciara Martin

    Ciara Martin


    Would not give a refund on something that was purchased last week despite having a receipt. I telephoned Monday morning and gave them opportunity to do the right thing. They did not even have the decency to return my call. Absolutely terrible etiquette. Such a shame to see from a local business.

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