The Lido i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Lido



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135A, Pearse Street, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 670 7963
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Latitude: 53.3429963, Longitude: -6.2444715

kommentar 5

  • Peter Sweeney

    Peter Sweeney


    Shocking. Took an order for a plain 1/2 pounder with cheese and bacon, no sauce, no dressing/salad.. She basically finished my sentence, showing she knew exactly what I was ordering. Burger was laced in ketchup on every side, salad, the works. Binned it. My mate ordered fish and chips, chips were half cooked. Last time we'll be wasting money here anyway.

  • Maggie C

    Maggie C


    It is a good place for a quick bite.

  • Patrick McDonald

    Patrick McDonald


    Can be great, however the food is inconsistent and the staff are not very customer focused

  • Kelly Moriarty

    Kelly Moriarty


    Solid chipper! Wish it stayed open later.

  • en

    gerry anthony


    twice i bough food and twice it was the worst food i ever ate fish should be one piece not three small bits there was more batter than fish the second night i got a kebab that had no meat or veg or sause in outher words it was the leanest kabeb i ever ate spring rolls with no spring in them just roll a ripoff stear clear

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